20230616-Trudeau is Genuinely Amazing...With Blackface Hitler, There is No Bottom

1 year ago

Trudeau has an interesting, and for a G-7 Prime Minister not only useless, but actually detrimental, skill. With him, there is absolutely no bottom.

No matter how deep a hole he finds himself in, he just keeps digging.

Not content with labelling anyone who opposed COVIDian fascism a racist, misogynist, science denier who's just taking up space, he's now moved on to label parents who want to control their children's educations as "far right."

Man, that "far right" just keeps expanding, at least in PM Paints His Face's tiny little "brain." I mean, there's gotta be at least a couple of yellow dog Liberals who think they know better than Dumb and Dumber how their children should be raised.

You thought you were a Liberal, and your glorious leader has painted you as "far right." That's gotta sting.


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