@StevenDKelley Part I vs Lewis Herms TruthTourFools in San Diego. Is Prince Harry´s endeavours?

1 year ago

Steven D Kelley
Email: law17gun@aol.com
Site: www.stevendkelley.com
OTG/SDK Telegram Channel: https://t.me/OfficialOccupyTheGettyPage
The Getty Museum
Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley informs us that The Getty and USA government control Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). These bases are connected to each other by systems of trains that use Magnetic Levitation and vacuum technology to reach very high speeds. Along with other functions, the Getty serves as a hub of child trafficking, child-sex slaves treated like cattle under the Getty, Please Universe, stop child trafficking and arrest those involved. Please and thank you.
Lasers, Cavers and Magic” is a captivating true story that chronicles one man’s extraordinary transformation from a life immersed in weaponry and cutting-edge technology to a spiritual journey marked by metaphysics and a deep connection with the universe. Steven D. Kelley, an everyday man with a wife and kids, finds his ordinary existence thrust into a surreal realm teeming with CIA agents, UFOs and clandestine underground bunkers.
This riveting account traces Kelley’s progression from his initial encounters with the CIA and NSA to the intriguing world of extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects. As he delves deeper into this enigmatic realm, Kelley stumbles upon the shadowy figures of the Templars and Bilderbergers, secretive organizations with their own hidden agendas, based on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1919.

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