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Human Obedience Training

1 year ago

Modern public schools are not designed to produce critical thinkers, independent thinkers, or creative thinking. There is a reason that they focus on memorization and test taking. The current school system is intended to produce order-following drones. They want to turn children into adults who will ask authorities what the right answer is and then regurgitate it rather than come up with an answer themselves. This is the system that created generations that meekly accepted unconstitutional controls over the past three years and blindly followed anything that was part of the official narrative. None of this is by accident. Many if not most of our problems today can be traced to what they have been teaching kids in public schools. This doesn't stop at the curriculum and authority figures but extends to the environment and institutionalization that victims of the public school system experience.


  • 0/2000
  • Pink Floyd tried to tell you and you didn't listen ...now they are training the adults not to stand up for their rights or safety ..stop a wack job on the subway get charged ...protest a rigged fake election ? spend 3 yrs in jail without a trial ...

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  • Fabian socialists have been planning the takeover of public education worldwide since the 19th century. In the USA, they *created* public education systems where none existed for this very purpose. Commies play the long game, and they are winning.

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