Housing crisis 2023, I predicted in 2008.

1 year ago

Yes my top has been washed, too many vids in the same clobber and you are a dirty wee bugger!!
I? No no, not I says I....aye, anyway.

Look back at my work, look way back and you will find that I do not lie, for what would I gain as eventually ALL LIES OUT.
I'm here to help for the small price of...DO FOR YOU.
Never panic, we have time, watch and prepare for the obvious signs, grow some food, buy non perishable foods like rice, pasta, tins, dried potato, milk, buy coffee, tea, sugar, medical kit, candles, batteries, torches, hand and head...just adapt for a total lock out of the system. Be it natural or deliberate but know it is all a ruse so do not fear.....STAY CLEAR.
And I may just see some of yawl oot there.

Much L❤ve


Some good news, but what next? OK, we know. Useless report but hey-ho!
The decline of veganism.


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