Railroads Online 2023 #1 [v0.5 BETA] | A New Beginning

1 year ago

We're back with a whole new network design, new overall theme to how we'll operate and some new equipment in the game.
#RailroadsOnline #Trains #KungfuBeer

Having spent over 750 hours in this game, the devs keep making progress causing me to return...but having to start over and over again due to the upgrades in the framework. I've decided to stick with the beta builds as this will have the latest things to test and break what I've completed! Rejoin me in rediscovering Railroads Online and having fun with our creative side of railroading!

TWITCH ?? https://twitch.tv/kungfubeer
DISCORD ?? https://discord.gg/J3tVCHM
TWITTER ?? https://twitter.com/kungfubeer

Thanks For Watching!

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