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15 seconds


1 year ago

Prayer is an essential part of any spiritual walk. The Bible has several great prayers by Moses (Exodus 33), Daniel (Daniel 9), Jesus (John 17), and others. We also need to seek to be giving to others.

0:02 - Wisdom is the Principal thing
0:04 - 4 parts to the "spiritual life"
Prayer, Bible, counsel, giving
0:07 - Jesus said, ask, seek & knock
0:08 - Wisdom comes from many sources
0:11 - Read Proverbs & Gospel of John
0:12 - LTB24 - Learn the Bible in 24 Hours
0:13 - Bill Gothard; www.BasicSeminar.com
0:14 - Dr. Kent Hovind, "Dinos and the Bible"

0:15 - World history Timeline
0:16 - Black Wisdom Matters
0:16 - Avi Lipkin, on Islam
0:18 - book: "Son of Hamas"
0:19 - Jesus' prayer in John 17
0:21 - We won't have revival in America
0:23 - Matthew was an "Ancient Roman IRS agent"
0:24 - Moses was a murderer
0:24 - Daniel's prayer, as a sinner

0:25 - Two men went to the Temple to pray
0:26 - Both Catholic and Protestant devotionals
0:28 - We are on Earth to develop wisdom and character
0:29 - You need to have a ministry; wanting to give
0:31 - It is not your words, it is your actions
0:32 - Love of money is the root of all evil
0:33 - You become more like wine or more like vinegar
0:35 - A prayer for you


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