"misinformation" let's not get into it*yt jail + green goo (smoothie) mouth

1 year ago

you don't have to understand my excitement regarding cement trucks
just support me, okay *j/k i don't need it, that's what i am supposed to do
ain't nobody excited about nothin these days
cement trucks are everywhere, yawl
always gotta find a reason for everything
back from yt jail
back from yt jail
no, it's not my mustache (i'd point that shit out)
it's so easy to be a narcissist when living in america
pretend percentages haha, we do this a lot pulling shit out of our ass *which sounds quite literal there
it's just as easy for me to fall into the traps, i just don't stick around for very long
...becuz it's demonic
the technology is deceptive
i don't want everyone to be a shitbag
i almost smacked my priest today, yawl
fuck twitter.
take away the materialistic aspect of capitalism and it wouldn't be so bad
speaking of capitalism...say hi to coca cola
why would good people wanna get involved in a silly little numbers game
these people don't have any substance to them
i'm not superior, i am just wiser
so lucky and grateful for my lack of confirmation bias
you know what things we're talking about
most of em are gonna keep on doin it
nobody learns from their mistakes around here *amerihahaha
sometimes i wish that God would take it down a notch but alas...
i used to be a maga head hahaha, what a low point that was
perhaps i bought a lotta tshirts
women buy stuff (yes even me)... now i wanna burn all of it
selfishness that makes sense
who else will be your number one support *aside from God, of course

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