Understanding ET Contact, Interdimensional Activity, & Paranormal - Karen Holton & TSP

1 year ago

Bio for Karen Holton January 2022 – Exopolitical Activist & Ascension Coach

Karen Holton:
• E.T. experiencer, exopolitical ambassador, spiritual educator, channel, guide & coach.
• Her professional experience includes energy coaching, ascension counselling, and public discourses.
• As part of the Forbidden Knowledge News Network, Karen hosts the Quantum Guides Show – This weekly podcast is ideally suited to the newly awakened, and for those who are awake, but may be socially isolated by their alternative beliefs.
• Karen believes that self-love and self-care build the foundation for personal activism, awakening and ascension, as we become the change, we wish to see in the world.

Karen spent over a decade researching and educating the public about the nefarious global agenda here on Earth. Soon after, she received a spiritual download, and as a result, Karen created the Quantum Health Transformation program to assist others to heal, evolve, & thrive! This free, comprehensive online course, is available from her website: www.karenholtonhealthcoach.com.

More recently, Karen has designed services to assist those who are waking up during these critical times, and for those who are experiencing “Medical Regret” after receiving a certain untested medical device. Check out Karen’s unique content on her YouTube channel: KarenHoltonTV and for her uncensored content, follow Karen on her back up channel: www.odysee.com/@KarenHoltonTV. You can also find Karen on Facebook and other social media platforms.

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