YOU Must Be the Cure YOU Want to See! YOU Can Do THIS!

1 year ago


Dr. Robert Young presented his research on cellular degeneration and blood clotting, highlighting the role of pollutants and breakdown products in the body's fluids in altering the chemistry of the fluids and creating a domino effect of cellular damage. He emphasized the importance of reducing exposure to pollutants and harmful frequencies to maintain good health. Dr. Young also discussed the importance of a conducive environment for cells and how changes in the environment can lead to alterations in the form of cells. He used live blood microscopy to demonstrate how cells can transform and change form based on their environment.

Dr. Young and James discussed the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites in blood cells and vaccines, which can increase in number and size due to the presence of graphene. They also discussed the potential harm caused by the parasites and graphene, including blood clotting and cellular damage.

The conversation also included a discussion on the potential alien nature of the parasites and the complexity of the technology involved. They also discussed the man-made wildfires in Canada and the US, which they believe are intentionally started to pollute the environment and harm people through micro and nanotechnology.

Dr. Young emphasized the need to focus on protecting ourselves from harmful substances in our environment, including micro and nanotechnology in medicines and nutraceuticals. He also highlighted the importance of maintaining the integrity of the oceans and the environment. The conversation touched on the issue of bad actors and their complicity in causing harm, and the need for personal responsibility.

Dr. Young suggested supporting the stomach in producing sodium, potassium, and magnesium bicarbonates, which can reverse any sickness and dis-ease that's been polluted back to its normal state and increase the electrical energy of the body.

Dr. Young discussed the negative effects of toxins like graphene and ferric oxide on the human body, and emphasized the importance of maintaining healthy habits like exercise and proper nutrition.

He also stressed the need for leaders who prioritize righteousness and compassion over wickedness and deception.

Dr. Young recommended focusing on daily elimination, building healthy blood, and hyper-perusing alkalinity in the body fluids to improve health and wellness. He also discussed the dangers of vaccinations and antibiotics and encouraged individuals to seek out his latest health and fitness information on his telegram channel.

Chapters & Topics
Chapter descriptions

Cellular Degeneration and Blood Clotting 0:06

Biological Transformation and Polymorphism16:11

Live Blood Microscopy and Cellular Transformation 24:58

The importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and environment
Discussion on the Relationship between Graphene and Parasites in Vaccines 42:15

Harmful effects of pollution within the body fluids on cells and blood
Discussion on Man-Made Wildfires and Chemical Pollution1:01:34

Man-made wildfires and intentional pollution of the environment
Extraterrestrial Compounds and Vaccine Ingredients1:08:15

The Importance of Maintaining the Alkaline Design of Body Fluids 1:16:01

Maintaining the alkaline design of body fluids to support the integrity of human cells

Discussion on Vaccines and Health

The Importance of a Plant-Based Diet

The importance of leading by example in making dietary changes

Spike Protein and Cellular Breakdown 1:37:04

Graphene oxide and its effects on the human body

Health and Wellness Recommendations from Dr. Robert Young 1:47:12

Action Items

The group should consider the importance of a conducive environment for living matter in their work. 22:12

Share information and resources, such as Dr. Robert Young's books and website, to educate others on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and environment. 34:02

Move out of the contaminated areas immediately. 1:06:41

Take personal responsibility for our actions and their impact on the environment and human life 1:27:05

Educate others on the harmful effects of consuming animal products and the benefits of a plant-based diet 1:34:25

Take down the technology that emits electromagnetic fields and causes harm to human health.1:41:24

Key Questions

What determines the health of a cell? 22:06

Have you ever seen one of those that had that they captured? 36:04

Where are the metals like mercury, graphene, titanium, and aluminum coming from? 1:03:50

What are the consequences of bad acts and how can we take personal responsibility for them? 1:27:05

How can we encourage others to make dietary changes?1:34:25

Can CBD protect cells from spike protein damage? 1:40:08

Follow Dr Robert O Young on his Scientific Blog, Twitter and Telegram

Robert Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner -
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"My People Perish From Ignorance" - Hosea

"Protect the blood and you will protect against any sickness or dis-ease" -
Dr. Robert O. Young

"For the Life of ALL Flesh is the Blood" - Moses was with one million souls who all perished wandering in ignorance in the wilderness!

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