I love those Thai synchronicities, find inner balance and enjoy the show

1 year ago

Here we are with an other synchronicity, as I told you many times I experience those events only when I’m aligned with higher frequencies and in the last few days I forced myself to be more in the present enjoying the moment and if you keep it long enough interesting things normally happens.

Yesterday I had one of my crazy walks under the hot Bangkok weather discovering the city in one of my best ways …… walking trough neighbourhoods in some random way and I learned more about this city then if I would read it on books or internet and not everything is gold like showed on social media but won’t get into this now.

I was at my last stop for the day before going back home, Kao San Road is that part of the City of Angels where all the young backpackers stays and I was there long time ago too but I wanted to see how it changed and not much changed execpt a lot of Marjiuana shops like a sort of Asian Amsterdam since was legalised, I was on my way to catch the bus when I noticed someone I knew but wasn’t sure cause the mask she was wearing, yes people still wearing mask for Covid and even here I won’t saying anything not right now, anyway I thought I knew the person cause I recognised the hairstyle, eyes and body language so I called her name and at first nothing so I tried again and at finally she turned around and yes was her …. Dreamy, my Thai friend from the time in Scotland.

Now what is so exceptional about this meeting???? I know her from Edinburgh in Scotland and she was my customer and did a barista training one evening, we become friends and even joined at the local Buddhist temple once that a famous Thai Monk visited the Temple, I knew she was in Chumpon right now in south of Thailand and kept in touch but she never told me would come to Bangkok …. We just met on the street but we know that wasn’t a coincidence cause there isn’t coincidences in my life and everything happens for a reason and I strongly believe the reason to be my inner energy been slowly recharged by enjoying the present moment and being in peace.

Those events called synchronicities shows up in my life only when I reach some degree of peace and I see it as signs of being in the right direction and maybe I am as long I keep those frequencies high, not easy right now with big problems with my brother and family in general but I have no choice except accepting what is happening as a bigger plan for all of us, bigger then me and I have to keep my emotions light and focus in the moment cause I know to be the only way to make a difference in my reality, sadness and negativity won’t bring any good and would affect badly the people around me, I learned long time ago that regarding what is happening externally everything begins within and if I want to fix anything happening outside my Soul first I have to work hard within myself only then a change will reflect my new state of consciousness.

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