Flexibility Series 6/10/23

1 year ago

This Flexibility Series was Livestreamed on 6/10/23
(The link to the original livestream:
https://fb.watch/l4qlDADYV7/?mibextid=cr9u03 )

This Flexibility Series 6/10/23 includes a little bit of everything:

Backbend kickover sequences of 2 and 4 at
1:04 , 2:00

Frontlimber to kickover sequences at 3:38 , 4:12

Frontlimber to ankle- grab (still working on over-hand reaches only)
at 5:07 , 5:58 , 8:00 , 9:17

Cyrwheel arch back ankle-hold at 7:15

Opposite side 8:28

Cyrwheel split-stand/scale leg-hold at 9:50

Opposite side 10:28

Cyrwheel one arm hold in straddle 11:34 ,

Standing split & oversplits layout 14:12 , 14:51

Needle stretch pose at 15:31 , 16:29

Scorpion pose/ foot to head at 17:38 , 18:16

Straddle split 19:44
And straddle double over splits 21:14

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