Lunchtime Chats ep 125: Infiltrations of sexual energies & sacred sex technologies

1 year ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ topic notes:

3:42 About Greer’s disclosure conference, the technology discussed
11:50 Christina’s story about being in Sedona & UFOs; real vs manmade
20:40 Discernment is critical with disclosure; mind control; mental compartmentalization; hijacking mechanisms
26:35 Barbara Handclow’s work- elemental consciousness; energetic infiltration via sex
31:11 Healing effects within your Jaguar consciousness; importance of the ‘feeling’ dataset
34:45 Programming in men when it comes to infiltrations; as you step into your power and divinity, an external partner may come as that divine counterpart- does not mean that it’s always possible to connect because of interdimensional interferences
37:11 Divine union- Immaculate conception; parthenogenesis; infiltration of divine union (interdimensional dynamic); What if a child is not conceived in a field of love? What are the repercussions?
43:30 Tantra being an infiltrated field; other areas of infiltrations; mention of David Wolfe and a reality show with Wiccan, vampire; blood letting and demonic presence
50:27 Reference to Spiritual sexuality; using discernment and energetic hygiene
51:46 Reference to Teal Swan of mystical abilities and sexual interactions; energetic harvesting
53:45 Humanity being opened to truths of unseen realms that shatter certain illusions; the agenda of galactic federation empire; larger aspects of who we are are accessible & integrated- like a cosmic soul retrieval
58:08 How to be mindful of your energy in sexual interactions; Christina’s story of womb space healing and eliminating unwanted energy from past sexual partners; benefits of healing distorted sexual energies


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