Rest, Reflect, Renew, Repeat | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | July 7, 2023

1 year ago

Rest, Reflect, Renew, Repeat | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | July 7, 2023

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:5,6

For much of this year, I’ve been focused on tasks. Making a list of priorities and trying to stay consistent; knocking them off one by one. Most are recurring, meaning that every week those tasks reappear and must be completed. There’s blogs and devotionals to write, podcasts to record, songs and videos to work on, the list goes on. To push things off too long only makes things pile up. Or even worse, the task may get demoted by some greater, more pressing need. If the superseded task is non-essential, it may fall off the map and never get picked back up.

So into this list of doing, I often hear the Lord whisper the need to pull back and just rest in Him. He’s not so concerned about my “to-do list,” even if those things are good and about the Kingdom. He’s primarily after my heart. When I find time to rest and reflect upon His word, my mind is renewed. I have greater focus and actually feel able to do what He’s calling me to do. When I push away that still, small voice, I find my problems only begin to snowball. When all I am is doing, but not abiding, my life is more chaotic and out of control. There’s a practice I’m learning to develop: it’s built on resting, reflecting, renewing, and repeating. Give it a try today. You might just find you see life through a whole new set of eyes!

Question for today: How has my daily planner become a place where I have not left enough room to abide with the Lord?

Pray: Lord forgive me for pushing away Your still, small voice. I want nothing more than Your presence.

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