This Is Not Our Home | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | July 5, 2023

11 months ago

This Is Not Our Home | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | July 5, 2023

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

If we’re honest, the past few years of the American church have allowed a creeping in of various teachings and falsehoods; things which overall have compromised the Gospel. We must be willing to admit the church as a whole has fallen more in love with the world and not vice versa. In our efforts to speak into the culture, we’ve often taken a softer stance on various issues so as not to offend or turn others away. We’ve allowed pastors to preach sermons, authors to write books, and musicians to play songs that don’t necessarily line up well with God’s word. It’s not always easy to admit when we have been wrong, but I believe collectively the church must repent for the ways it has ignored God’s standard and chased after lesser things.

You and I must find a balance between existing in the world but not being caught up in it. Earth is not our permanent residence. Heaven is. We must prepare for eternity and in the process, tell others about Jesus. It’s easy to get distracted and focus on the here and now. It’s easy to want to solidify our own standing in life and not want to rock the boat too much. But when we start to shrink back from tough subjects, the world rushes in and controls the narrative for us. We have to keep our focus on Christ and realize this place is not our home. We are called to be here and called to share the Gospel. Life’s too short not to!

Question for today: Is there anything in my life right now distracting me from purpose of telling others about Christ?

Pray: God remove our distractions and refocus us back on you. Forgive us for any half-truths or false truths we’ve allowed to seep into our midst. Jesus is the only means by which we are saved.

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