(Re uploaded) Part 1 Rotten RockJam to a Rockin' Rockstar Guitar - you won't recognise it next time

1 year ago

The worst guitar on the internet?

RockJam Guitar Superkit Review
The original review… I’ve tried to think of a way to write this review that doesn’t come across as unadulterated bashing of this guitar kit. I like the idea of including all of the basic gear someone would need to get started playing the electric guitar. However, the guitar itself that RockJam sent me to review is quite literally the worst guitar I’ve ever attempted to play.
It is terrible that this was shipped as part of a beginner’s guitar kit. Any true beginner might not know enough to realize that this guitar is barely playable at all. They would likely think they just can’t play and give up.
The RockJam company has been around for a while and has an OK reputation. So, I’ve got to assume that this one was supposed to be in the firewood pile, but somehow got boxed and sent out. It literally looks like someone was trying to fix it, but gave up partway through the process.Where do I start?


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