Stop the Bleed: Maintaining Employee Retention | Episode 15

1 year ago

This week, Ron and Kristin address: "Stop the Bleed." The US workforce is currently experiencing what is being called “the great resignation,” a mass exodus of the workforce. This episode will explore why this is happening and ways to stop the bleed at your organization. This can be the difference between success and failure for many companies. Merely the cost associated with hiring and onboarding can be astronomical. It’s time to look at productive ways to retain employees so The US doesn't bleed out as a collective workforce? Don't miss this important episode.

Sources: Forbes Magazine; 2019 Glassdoor study; 2022 JOLTS report; The Society for Human Resource Management; Upwork’s Future of Workforce Pulse Report; 2020 Gallup report, Employee Burnout; and 2018 report on the Employee Experience by Udemy.

Additional Notes:

Perks to help employee retention:

Bereavement time for a pet passing away

Work from home for a day

Bring them breakfast

Watch a movie at work

Pay for an adventure eg escape room, kayaking, etc

Post accomplishments in a public way

Change dress code on Fridays

Company swag

Happy hour -

Mentions in company newsletters

Wine tasting

Gift cards

Scavenger hunts

Care packages

Cash bonuses

Stipends for personal growth experiences

Extra days of paid time off (PTO)

Lunch with the chief executive officer (CEO)

Team lunches

CEO for a day - Ron always alternated the acting Division Chief to give people opportunities.

Charity gala tickets

Thank-you meetings


Team service projects

Food trucks

Peer recognition programs

Birthday celebrations

Work anniversary celebrations

Meetings at coffee shops

Family days

Healthy competitions

Bring-your-pet-to-work days

Laundry services

Where leadership meets entertainment! This weekly podcast takes both a humorous and intense look at leadership through impactful stories, answers to listener questions, and breakdowns of dirty lessons from Ron's best selling book, "The Dirty Side of Leadership".

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