Mildly Woo: Do We Resist Ascension Energy as We Sleep?

1 year ago

I shared an article that resonated with me (see below) that talked about how our planet is in a detox phase, and that unfamiliar energy is often resisted as we sleep, no matter how actively we seek and accept it when awake. The Universe was asked if having a deliberate practice of self-talk to help our inner child/subconscious embrace Light-filled ascension energy was useful, plus other insights and information.
Published 06/15/2023
My personal affirmation:
I give my express consent to absorb and incorporate all positive, Light-filled, and loving ascension energy to my current bodily self: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
This energy is unfamiliar but beneficial and safe, and will be embraced and allowed across all planes of my existence. So be it.

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