What's Really Going On? We Are At War!

1 year ago

A retrospective look at the past few years that have left many in fear and confused. This was originally on YouTube but banned by them.
How did we get to this point? What's really going on behind the scenes of the COVID Pandemic? Who is responsible for putting the world on lockdown and why? COVID is real it is killing people man-made or not. Things are not as they seem, there were rumours of President Trump being behind a programme of mass arrests of people worldwide in positions of power and politics and the entertainment industry allegedly involved in child trafficking, satanic ritual abuse and paedophilia. I made several predictions a while back that are now coming true involving Trump and events happening in the world. One of the things I said was Putin would rise on the world stage to be an unlikely peacekeeper ( Its to come Trust me). I think the COVID pandemic was the start and something bigger is coming. We already have had the race riots and black lives matter movement kicking off across the world, with brother turning against brother as predicted in the Bible during the end times. What they are trying to do is create division, when you have division and fear among people you have control. This state of fear we live in has been spread through propaganda in the MSM to the point even if lockdown is lifted many are in fear of leaving their houses. With all the division & fear now being created you now have "Order Out Of Chaos" an Illuminati/masonic term of social control. If this is just a conspiracy or massive coincidence I honestly don't know, but I have been doing massive research over the past years and when you join all the dots together and the jigsaw puzzle starts to make sense you can't help but believe there is some truth to it. But I do think we are part of something that is beyond our comprehension by people or players or energies that have an ulterior motive, and I believe that motive is total control. Control of us as Humans, we have to realise we are not defined by our skin colour, black or white or yellow, or our religion Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or Jewish, we are all human beings, we are all part of humanity, we are all connected and there is no division. DONT FEAR - BE BRAVE - READ ALTERNATIVE VIEWPOINTS BECAUSE THAT'S HOW YOU EDUCATE YOURSELF. AND WHAT IS TRUTH YOU WILL KNOW AS IT WILL RESONATE WITH YOUR SOUL. TAKE CARE, GO WITH LOVE IN YOUR HEART, BE SAFE, AND BE AWARE.

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