E016 : DifferenceMakers™ have amazing, inspiring stories to tell. Come & tell YOUR story.

1 year ago

In this video clip: Leigh Harrison, Ivan Andersen & Trevor Nel - the three WISDOMS™ DifferenceMaker™ co-founders – talk about the amazing extraordinary things that ordinary people do.. as gathered by the many personal stories that were shared by people from all over the world, with the three co-founders, during the Covid lockdown period.

Unique. Rare. 1 In A Million. Become No.1 DifferenceMaker™ in YOUR city.
"one in a million" - extraordinary; very special; rare; exceptionally good; unusually excellent; often used to describe a person who has a quality or talent that makes them stand out from others.

Are YOU the ONE?

Are YOU the ONE we're looking for?

Are YOU the No.1 WISDOMS™ DifferenceMaker™ in YOUR city?
Unique. Rare. 1 In A Million. Become No.1 DifferenceMaker™ in YOUR city. : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unique-rare-1-million-become-no1-differencemaker-your-city/
WISDOMS™ website : https://wisdoms123.com
Inspiration: What Fires YOU Up? : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/inspiration-what-fires-you-up-wisdoms123/
Positive Impact - What YOU Can Do Now To Influence The Next 1000 Years : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/positive-impact-what-you-can-do-now-influence-next-1000-years/

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