Dr. Harper visit to Placerville CA for Gold Rush celebration days and Thomas Kinkade memory

11 months ago

White House Correspondent Dr. Harper visits his favorite home town in California, Placerville Saturday June 10, 2023 where there was a special Wagon train and Gold prospecting history annual event and where he has special memories connected with his favorite painter Thomas Kinkade. Dr. Harper who had an interview with him November 16, 2008 in Boise, Idaho at his Boise Centre on the Grove event. To listen, click on the following YouTube link: https://youtu.be/au19C6uOv8A

Dr. Harper serves as the principal investigative journalist at the White House reporting on AntiSemitism. Here is Dr. Harper’s reporting on Anti-Semitism below. To learn about the Jewish cemetery desecration in Vilnius, Lithuania he reports on, click on the following YouTube link:
To learn more about UNRWA and Religious Freedom issues Dr. Harper reports on, click on the following YouTube link:

For more information about Dr Harper news reporting, click on following link:

Bless Israel! The InterMountain Christian News needs your donations (tax deductible) to expose and report on Anti-Semitism as well as other Human Rights violations at the White House. You can make your tax deductible donation at the following InterMountain Christian News donation page by clicking on the following link:

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