What to do during a Tornado Event !!!

1 year ago

During a tornado event, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and take immediate action to protect yourself and your family. Here are some steps to follow if you find yourself at home during a tornado:

Seek shelter: Move to the lowest level of your home, preferably a basement or storm cellar. If you don't have access to a basement, find a small, windowless interior room on the lowest floor, such as a bathroom or closet. Avoid rooms with windows, as they can shatter during a tornado.

Get under sturdy protection: Once you're in the designated safe area, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, such as a heavy table or mattress, to protect yourself from flying debris.

Cover yourself: Use blankets, cushions, or a mattress to cover yourself and your family members for additional protection against falling objects or debris.

Stay away from windows: Keep away from windows, glass doors, and skylights, as they can shatter and pose a significant risk of injury.

Monitor weather updates: Stay tuned to a battery-powered weather radio, or listen to a trusted source for updates on the tornado's progress and any warnings or instructions from local authorities.

Use a flashlight: In case of a power outage, have a flashlight with fresh batteries readily available. Avoid using candles or open flames, as they can increase the risk of fire.

Stay in shelter until the threat has passed: Remain in your safe area until you receive official confirmation that the tornado threat has passed. Tornadoes can change direction quickly, so it's essential to wait for the all-clear before emerging from your shelter.

Be aware of secondary hazards: After the tornado has passed, be cautious of potential hazards, such as downed power lines, gas leaks, or structural damage. If you suspect any danger, evacuate your home and seek assistance from emergency services.

Remember, it's essential to have a plan in place ahead of time, so you and your family are prepared for severe weather events. Familiarize yourself with local tornado warning systems and establish a designated safe area in your home.

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