IgG4 Antibodies part2 - why are they appearing? - update 87 IMPORTANT

1 year ago

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We are continuing with building the knowledge background behind the mysterious observation of increasing levels of atypical IgG4 antibodies in some of the COVID-19-vaccinated individuals. In this video we get more background on why the appearance of IgG4 antibodies might not be a welcome development, and that it appears likely to only be linked to mRNA-based injections. However, the natural infection can either be protective or stimulatory for the production of IgG4 antibodies, depending on when the natural infection takes place

Location: Crowfoot Glacier, Alberta

Discussed content:
IgG4 review: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202303.0441/v1
IgG4 post mRNA shot: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.1020844/full

"COVID-19 - Q and A for the People#20" event on ZOOM:

Supplements survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGz3rcVBeyezZIk4Z-gVdsz1_JZi6xXa5I6YiDUWvV-qWWzw/viewform

Dr. Raszek Credentials: https://merogenomics.ca/en/about/

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