PASTOR HENRY SHAFFER- DELIVERANCE MINISTRY Part Four- Flyover Conservatives 6 3 2023

1 year ago

SPIRITUAL SPOUSES is the topic here. And the expression of Sexuality that is very real in our Culture which has never been discussed. This is a huge part of the "hang ups" that create a lack of partnership. The Biblical Principles are never considered. People just need to release and realize their past for the sake of their future.
Here are the five fundamentals of the Christian faith:
1) The inspiration, revelation, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Scriptures to be the Word of God.
2) The virgin birth and complete Deity of Jesus Christ.
3) The substitutionary atonement of Christ’s death for the sins of the world.
4) The literal bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
5) The literal second coming of Christ to earth in bodily form.
Arrange a date with your destiny. Attend a Seminar or arrange an online Deliverance meeting and clear those DEMON SPIRITS out of you once and for ALL. Praise the Lord. Free at LAST.

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