The Most Terrifying Hiking Trail in L.A.

1 year ago

5th-grader twins, Ann and Yu, introduce really, really, easy and fun hiking trails in Los Angeles. In this video, they reveal the most terrifying hiking trail in L.A.: The Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook California State Park trail, a.k.a., The Culver City Stairs. Why is a hiking trail called “stairs?” It's what makes this trail the most terrifying hiking trail in L.A. Watch this video and you are going to find out why. Be scared. Be very scared.

Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook State Park
Culver City Stairs
6300 Hetzler Road, Culver City, CA 90232

Park Visitor Center

#BestHikingTrailLosAngeles #CulverCityStairs #ThingstodoLA

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