Are the Elite And Our Leaders Human Or Are Some Of Them Shapeshifters?

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Before Yeshua was taken up into Heaven, he gave an interesting commandment. He told the disciples to preach the Gospel to “Every Creature.” Why would Yeshua say that unless some of the beings that we preach to appear to be human but might be shapeshifters in disguise of humans. In Ephesians chapter six we are told that our battle is not with corporeal beings, but with spiritual beings. We are also told that Satan and his minions can masquerade as beings of light, meaning that aside from being beings of light, they can manifest as anything they feel could be used to deceive mankind. Are the Elites and some of our leaders human or are they hybrids? Who is the Great White Brotherhood? Are they Nephilim or are they spiritual beings that manifest into the physical.

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