What Happens Near Event Horizon? | 1-Minute Fact #6k

11 months ago

The event horizon of a black hole is the point of no return. Once you cross it, there’s no turning back. It’s a place where the gravitational pull becomes so immense that not even light can escape its grasp. But here's where it gets even more fascinating! Due to a phenomenon called "gravitational time dilation," as you approach the event horizon, time appears to slow down for you relative to an observer far away. If you could somehow send a message to your friend while nearing the event horizon, they would receive it slower and slower until it seems to freeze at the very edge! Scientists have recently captured the first-ever image of a black hole's event horizon. This incredible feat has allowed us to glimpse into the abyss, giving us vital clues to understanding these cosmic giants.
Tags: black holes, event horizon, spaghettification, gravitational pull, heat, radiation, science, universe, technologies, mysteries
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