The 3 most destructive hormone disruptors.

1 year ago

Do you experience low libido, chronic fatigue, infertility, PCOS, PMS, not enough sleep OR too much sleep, skin issues or weight gain? Have you been diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance?

Discover how you can optimize your hormonal system.

First things first.

Humans are made up of 60% water.

Every hormonal disruption, from hot flushes to morning sickness and PMS, has a direct connection to chronic dehydration and mineral deficiency.

For every 30 kilos of body weight we need 1 litre of purified water with 1/4 teaspoon unrefined salt added to it.

If you think that drinking adequate amounts of water is overrated have a look at a pot plant that’s been in the sun day after day without adequate water.

It goes limp.

Now you see how the cells in your body are feeling after sipping coffee, tea, soft drinks or alcohol.

These are all very dehydrating. For instance, 1 cup of coffee is so dehydrating that you need to have 4 cups of water to replace the fluids you lose.

Chronic dehydration puts your body under so much stress that it releases copious amounts of Cortisol, as stress hormone that accelerates the ageing process. (Cortisol kills your brain pathways)

Dehydration can also make your body release Histamine, which causes allergic reactions.

Water transports nutrients to the cells and removes wastes/poisons from the body.

It distributes hormones as well as body heat, so if you often suffer from cold feet while your body is cooking you may need to address your hydration levels.

Water dilutes the blood, and this saves your heart.

The heart pushes the blood nearly halfway around the world (19,000 km!!) every single day!

The inside of your body needs bathing just as much as the outside.

Would you bath in beer, coffee or Coke?

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