US Adversarial model of liberal democracy splits society is failing

1 year ago

Video: US Adversarial model of liberal democracy splits society is failing 美國自由民主分裂社會的對抗模式正在失敗

The world is watching horrified as the U.S. adversarial model of democracy has created a dysfunctional, polarized society—in which both sides have deeply flawed candidates, and both sides are buying guns! 全世界都在驚恐地看著美國的對抗性民主模式造成了一個功能失調、兩極分化的社會, 在這個社會中,雙方都有嚴重缺陷的候選人,而且雙方都在買槍!

But is the U.S. even democratic? THREE recent U.S. presidents took their seats after getting a MINORITY of votes. 但是美國真的民主嗎? 三位最近的美國總統在獲得少數選票後成為總統!

The much-maligned East Asian governance model is starting to look like a valid alternative. 備受詬病的東亞治理模式開始看起來像是一個有效的替代方案.

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