Color communism and Common Sense, by Manning Johnson.

11 months ago

The world is in such turmoil today I feel it as my duty actually, I know it is my duty to do all I can to bring people together towards Christ and towards truth, that includes talking about race relations in a way to help both black and white communities, that's why I'm reading this book it will be a 10-part video, where I read this amazing book which has opened thousands of people's eyes especially over the last 3 to 4 years (2019-2023) how did we get here why are race relations between black and white people so broken who did this was it the communist was it socialist was it the Democrats and Republicans(yes there are grassroots ones, but I'm talking about the r i n o s) those who pretend to be for freedoms in America but they really only have the same evil agenda of power and control that the Democrats have.

How do we get here how were black people and white people manipulated yes I said manipulated, to hate each other they don't even know exactly why it is the Communist and this book explains it, through the eyes and the experience of a man named Manning Johnson who served the Communist party from 1935 to 1945, he was a high-ranking communist but he was disillusioned after 10 years in the party and all the blackmail that he had to go through, when he left in 1945, he really connected with his family and his Christian faith, and spent the next 14 years and wrote this book exposing the Communist the tactics and the manipulations and the ways of doing business that he learned as a top communist in the red party, Manning Johnson is such an important American that hardly anyone knew about until a few years ago when the virus struck and and in many places lockdowns were forced on people.

God bless America and God bless anybody that comes up on this series of videos, in my prayers that people would use this knowledge that Manning Johnson and others like him tried to warn us about years ago so that we can take back our country for the Lord and stop this racial division that is very much manufactured by the Communists party, and the globalist as a whole.

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