11 months ago

Approved fonts. nineteen six four 198 to #’s. 15 letters. 3 words. (216).
Knockout 9 different widths. 110 to #’s.

Fordham University the Jesuit University of New York
45 letters. Trump 45th President

Fordham Colors
Fordham Maroon
202C. (47). John. Freemason Compass.
HEX: 900028. (9*2*8= 144) Trump leaves on Fordham on 14th John 4 letters.
RGB: 144, 40. Mark of the Beast. John 4 letters.
Hex: 666666
RGB 255*3= 576. Illuminati. 57-6= 51. Illuminati. 57+6= 63-Trump Height. (3

Rams Maroon
209C (14). Trump leaves on 14th. 5AO414 as 5*1*15*4*1*4= 120 Illuminati.
RGB: 90, 4, 20 (90+4+20= 114). Trump starts on 6 =1+1+4. Trump leaves on 14th
CMYK: 379*679*59= 151 Light of Lucifer 1+5+1+8+3+1+1+9= 29-11
Fordham has 15,100 students

Fordham Black
Hex: 282220
RGB: 41, 35, 33. Trump starts on 6. Trump leaves on 14th
CMYK: 72, 72, 72, 67. (14472) (144*7*2= 2016). Trump Presidency.

Fordham Light Grey
51,51,51. Rams. Illuminati.
RGB: 225,225,225. (225*3= 657) (65*7= 455). Trump 45th President. Trump 5 letters
New York Gold
RGB: 207, 196, 163. 207*196*163= 6613236. (3888) (1536)
CMYK: 20,20,38. (15-Donald John Trump).

Jesuit Gold
8383C= 25-Trump
9E8959. (45) Trump
RGB: 158. Jesuits 15th 8th month. Trump’s Brother. 137, 89

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