Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Vanessa Ciano Saracino 06.14.23

1 year ago

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series, welcomed to today’s podcast, Wednesday, June 14, 2023, Vanessa Ciano Saracino (Episode #119). Vanessa is an Author, CEO, Influencer, Blogger and Fashion Designer for her faith based Christian line, Be*You*Tiful. She is also a 2/time International Best Selling Author - soon to be 3rd time with her new co-authored Book: Ignite Your Faith.

Vanessa’s chapter in this book is a testament for the love and relationship with her Dad, Rocco Ciano, as well as the faith and inspiration of those who have supported her along the way. As Vanessa shared, there are signs and wonders all around us and God has a way of strategically placing us where we need to be. Vanessa was right where she wanted to be - on a journey with her Dad as he transitioned into the life ever after. (Her Dad passed away and she shared that the time she was able to spend with her Dad, of course meant the world to her; it was very hard but very beautiful on so many levels: “Vanessa, tell me another story.”)

The process of writing comes very naturally for Vanessa. Although initially she was not sure what she would write about, when it came time to do so, God was with her! Writing comes to her very naturally and it’s with her voice that she shares her faith and wisdom for such a time as this.

Also with Vanessa on this “Ignite” journey is an amazing team from Ignite Publishing and specifically, Lady JB Owen who is the Founder / CEO of Ignite Publishing and JBO Global, Inc. along with 31 other amazing co-authors who really have bonded as an “ignited” family!

Ignite Your Faith shares “Inspiring stories that will uplift your heart and enrich your soul.” It will be available for a free download on Friday, June 16th to Sunday, June 18th from Amazon. After you have downloaded the book from Amazon, please make sure you leave a “review” to help these amazing authors (some of whom are 1st time authors) reach #1 International Bestseller status!!

You have the story, the courage, the spirit and the faith to know that your story will inspire others, please make sure that you use your voice to share it! There’s a revival happening around the world - Ignite Your Faith will no doubt “truly” uplift your heart and enrich your soul!

To connect with Vanessa further, please check out her various social media platforms:

How will you Ignite Your Faith”? If you know of someone who would benefit from listening to this podcast, please share this with them.

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will inspire others! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Vanessa - “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspires Us!!

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