How NOT to Waterproof! Typical Contractor Waterproofing DISASTER

1 year ago

Here's what happens all too often when a general contractor who does many different types of work sells their customer a shower remodel. Bathrooms, tile, and waterproofing are COMPLICATED and you need to be a niche expert in this field if you are going to offer these services. I do not know the prior contractor here personally, but my client tells me he is personable and well-reviewed.

This goes to show that even good guys with good intentions are often unaware of the many potential pitfalls you face when offering these types of services, and the deep knowledge required to build this type of work properly.

We've all made mistakes - including my company - and they are going to happen from time to time, even amongst the best. However, what you're seeing here is not a single failure, it's a number of improper installation techniques stacked together, each critical, and each of which in no way complies with TCNA guidelines. The TCNA is the GOLD standard in the tile and waterproofing industry, yet most "purveyors" of tile, bathroom remodeling, and waterproofing services have never heard of them, and do not own a TCNA handbook.

It's time for the true pros in this business to stand up. Most consumers erroneously think we are all the same, or substantially similar, when nothing could be further from the truth. If you are considering a bathroom or shower remodel, I cannot stress enough that you need to evaluate your choices based on expertise and ability, over price and likability. Price and likability are great for buying a car, but when it comes to a daily-use shower or a bathroom remodel, this important work should only be entrusted to an expert in this field who can truly deliver what you want. It goes without saying that this level of reliability always comes with a price, and the right person for your project may well be the highest of the estimates you receive.

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