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Do Black Murder Stats in Chicago Prove Blacks are Doing More Shootings than Other Races? | @RRPSHOW

1 year ago

In April 2023, a group of researchers from Oxford University and Harvard University conducted a survey to find out where and which race was experiencing gun violence the most in Chicago. What they discovered was alarming about Black gun violence in just Chicago alone. Why are politicians, crime advocates, and Black community leaders not addressing the galrring issues in the Black community? Why are they excusing Black criminal behavior as an effect of racism? Who benefits from this logic? It certainly isn’t the innocent Black citizens so why the dismissal of facts for feelings?


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Topics Covered In This Video: society, GenZ, millennials, updates, news, facts, knowledge, current affairs, LGBTQIA, reality, random things, podcast, episode, random radio, social commentary, podcast 2023, world, global issues, history, news, news latest, stories, sports, religion, racism, social issues, youth talks #genz #reality #podcast

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