Exercise Cygnus and the UK Covid–19 Inquiry - UK Column News

11 months ago

Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-14th-june-2023
- UK Covid–19 Inquiry
- UK Covid–19 Inquiry Live Stream
- Transcript of Module 1 Public Hearing on 13 June 2023 
- Weekly all-cause mortality surveillance (week 33 report, up to week 29 data)
- Office for National Statistics: Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales
- UK Column article (April 2020): Exercise Cygnus: UK Government Exercise Justifies Covid–19 Lockdown
“In 2016, the Royal College of Surgeons had complained of chronic bed shortages, so much so that the occupancy rates had gone beyond 89%, when 85% is considered the maximum safe level.”
- The King’s Fund (Labour-aligned NHS think tank): The number of hospital beds in England has halved over the past 30 years
- NHS England: Virtual ward including Hospital at Home
- Powys Teaching Health Board: Pandemic Influenza Framework (Page removed)

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