2024 Candidate for Benton County Commissioner - Jerome Delvin

1 year ago

Jerome Delvin is a current County Commissioner at Benton County, WA.

Jerome has been serving the people of District 1, which includes Richland and West Richland, since 2013, and he will be running for reelection in 2024. With a distinguished career in law enforcement, including 28 years as a bomb technician and D.A.R.E. officer in the Richland Police Department, and a lifelong resident of Benton County, Jerome brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his role as County Commissioner. He is also an avid mountain climber and downhill skier, and he lives in Richland with his wife Josie, who is the Benton County Clerk.

Jerome has also previously served two and one-half terms in the state Senate and five terms in the state House of Representatives, demonstrating his commitment to public service. He has been a member of various committees and organizations, such as the State Energy Strategy Advisory Committee, Clean Energy Leadership Council, and the Legislative Council on River Governance. He has also been involved in various civic and professional organizations, including serving as President of the International Law Enforcement Exchange Foundation and as a Life Member of the International Association of Bomb Technicians.

Join us in learning more about Jerome Delvin and his vision for Benton County, as he continues to serve and represent the people of District 1 with dedication and passion.

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