Lyubov Yusufova - Bridging The Gap Between Science & Spirituality

1 year ago

Doctor of Psychology student at CIS investigating the interface of clinical psychology, consciousness, and comparative mystical experience. After five years of neuroscience research in mouse and computational models, my meditation practice acquainted me with a nature of mind far beyond the confines of highly operationally-defined variables.
I spent a year in intensive contemplative practice of an Indian ashram tradition, bridging the gap between science and spirituality with a phenomenological study on ego transcendence presented at The Science of Consciousness 29th International Interdisciplinary Conference.
I am particularly interested in the therapeutic potential of ego-transcendent states in psychedelic medicine. The most remarkable breakthrough in psychiatric treatment in many decades represents a departure from behaviorism and is rekindling an interest in the subjective dimensions of the mind - in consciousness.
If collaborating on this vision resonates with you, please get in touch with me.

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