This Day in History, June 14

1 year ago

This Day In History, June 14
If you enjoy this series, you can find the playlist that contains these videos at
My blog, “No, Really” at this link:
Record jacket art by By Warner Bros. -, Fair use,
“Sister Golden Hair” by America:
“Ecphasis” in context:

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Images and video clips are from WeVideo Media Library, or Bing images, licensed “Public Domain,” or “Free to Use and Share,” or from my own personal collection.

Our lovely outro music is: “Divine Life Society” by Jesse Gallagher, from YouTube Music Library. You can hear some of Jesse’s other work @Jesse Gallagher

Postal address if you want to send a happygram, a coffeemug, or whatever -

Vicki Bowers
1008 Roberts Cut Off Road
Unit 10045
River Oaks, TX. 76114-4801

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