1 year ago

I understand why people lost trust when he said take the $hots, but something does not add up. I saw what he said at the second debate, I saw him try to prevent emergency u$e author!zat!on by promoting early treatment, I saw him give the speech where he said he made powerful enemies and we would not see him for a while, I saw his stance change, but now his stance on this subject is back. I think he is back from wherever he had to go because he made powerful enemies, and I think that is why they are trying to jail him for the rest of his life. I never heard a president so much as mention child trafficking then I saw the only president in living memory who did not start a war to enrich weapons manufacturers, talk about, and also do something about, child trafficking / slavery.
He spoke out against
unneccessary war
Child exploitation
Vaccines causing autism

My gut tells me there is much more going on here than meets the eye when it comes to T$ and just where it was he went after the speech where he said he made powerful enemies and we may not see him for a while.

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