🇪🇺 EU Ethics Body Debate: Opening Statement by Věra JOUROVÁ | European Commission 🇪🇺

11 months ago

MEPs debate on Tuesday the Commission’s long-awaited proposal for an ethics body covering all EU institutions, published on 8 June. Parliament called for the creation of such a body for the first time in September 2021, and twice again in the wake of recent corruption allegations - in December 2022 and February 2023. The Special Committee on Foreign Interference also included relevant proposals in its report earlier this month. Opening statement by Věra JOUROVÁ, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Values and Transparency. The transcript is the result of an automated process. Please check against delivery

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/establishment-of-the-eu-ethics-body-opening-statement-by-vera-jourova-vice-president-of-the-european-commission-in-charge-of-values-and-transparency_I242412

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