Rafael Cruz at Dallas JBS June 2023: "Wanted: Christian Principles In Government"

1 year ago

Our speaker for the June JBS luncheon is Rafael Cruz, father of United States Senator and former Presidential candidate, Ted Cruz. He is speaking on "Wanted: Christian Principles In Government". Rafael was born in Cuba where he suffered and fought the Cuban dictatorships, and as a teenager, was imprisoned and tortured for his efforts. Rafael came to Texas in 1957 as a teenager, went to work, learned English and worked his way through the University of Texas. He later started a small business in pursuit of the American dream. In early 1980 Rafael joined the board of the Religious Roundtable, a Judeo/Christian organization credited with organizing and mobilizing millions in support of Presidental candidate Ronald Regan. He is an ordained minister and Director for Grace for America sharing God's Word in numerous churches and conferences across America. He is author of "A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America".
His son is Texas Senator Ted Cruz. When Ted was growing up in Houston, Rafael would tell him "When we faced oppression in Cuba, I had a place to flee to. If we lose freedom here, where do we go?" That is why Rev. Cruz is passionate about returning America to the Biblical and historical foundation that "made America great!".

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