A Breakdown Of Warren Buffett’s 2021 Portfolio

3 years ago

In this video we dive deep into Warren Buffett's portfolio in 2021. What stocks does the great investor Warren Buffett own in these current market conditions, let's find out!

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It’d be hard to argue that Warren Buffett is not the greatest investor of all-time. I think we can all agree that he is. And one of the great things about this, is that Warren Buffett is still alive today, with a portfolio bigger than ever. And because of financial regulations he has to disclose his portfolio to the public. Which means all of us investors get to look how the greatest investing mind is investing in this day and age.

With this video I want to break everything down piece by piece and show you the exact stocks that Buffett owns to navigate these weird market conditions that we are in…

Stock 1: Apple

Warren Buffett’s largest position by far with his investing company Berkshire Hathaway is Apple. Apple makes up 47.8% of the entire stock portfolio and he owns 944.3 million shares of the company. Altogether that’s worth $109 billion dollars. That’s a lot of money in one stock, even on Buffett’s terms.

Apple I know you guys already know generally what the company does. We’ll show you a bit deeper though. So the main thing that the company sells is obviously the iPhone. One of the most popular selling phones in all of history. That makes up 41% of their revenue. But they also sell the iMac and the iPad which makes up 14% and 10.5% of the revenue respectively.
Then of course you’ve got the slightly newer segment, which is the wearables and home accessories, that makes up 12.2%. And lastly, you’ve got the services side to their business. So that’s things like iTunes, the app store, apple music, apple pay and all of that. This makes up 22.5% of revenue. That gives you a bit of an idea of Apple, the company as a whole, let’s take a quick look at the stock now…

So this is one of the biggest companies in the world. Right now it’s valued over $2 trillion dollars. That is big. The price of an individual stock, if you’re looking to buy is $123 a share with earnings of $3.28. The stock has rallied very nicely over the past couple of years, it’s gone from $24 in 2016, to over 5 times the amount today…

I think it’s a smart investment from Buffett, it’s hard to argue not. Apple has such a strong business model, people know it all around the world and love their products. Let’s just say I don’t see apple of all companies failing over the next 3-5 years…

Stock 2: Bank Of America

Moving on to his second largest position, that’s Bank of America. One of the biggest banks in America. It makes up 10.6% of his entire stock portfolio, valued at over $24.3 billion dollars. The ticker symbol for that stock by the way is BAC.

So Bank of America what do they do, they help with loans, banking services, investing and asset management and other financial related roles. A very complicated business but Buffett knows them well.

Price wise they’re affordable to pretty much any investor, unless you’re broke. They sell for $29 a share right now and in return generate earnings of $2 a share. That gives them quite a low p/e ratio in this market of just 14.3. Also another nice thing about this stock is they pay a bit of a dividend. An annual yield of 2.5% which is pretty decent!

This is a interesting position for Buffett, as a lot of you know he’s been into banking stocks for a long-time now. The price is obviously cheap, however in these market conditions the banking model will be tested and time will tell if this is a smart investment to hold…

Stock 3: Coca-Cola

This has got to be one of my favorite all-time stocks and it was actually Buffett who introduced me to it. 8.6% of Berkshires portfolio is in the company Coca-cola. In my humble opinion it’s one of the best drinks of all-time. He owns exactly 400 million shares worth $19.7 billion dollars. That’s a lot of money...

My 2nd Investing YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6qBTYqQpXqLutg39ZgXcJQ

DISCLAIMER: It's important to note that I am not a financial adviser and you should do your own research when picking stocks to invest in. These are just some of my viewpoints, by no means would I recommend watching one YouTube video and then immediately buying that stock. This video was made for educational and entertainment purposes only. Consult your financial adviser.

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