Gay are being kicked out of restaurants

1 year ago

When you realize the LGBTQ movement 🏳️‍🌈 is really a sex-cult, not unlike those that have come before (likeArtemis worship in Ephesus in the first century AD), everything starts to make a lot more sense.

The government removed one religion from public schools (Christianity), and replaced it with another religion (the rainbow sex-cult).

Just like Nebuchadnezzar demanded everyone bow down and worship his idol, the rainbow sex-cult demands we bow down and worship their pride flag. 🏳️‍🌈

Just like Islam has blasphemy laws/ militant jihadists, the rainbow sex-cult will cancel and destroy anyone who doesn't use the prescribed lingo. The rainbow jihadists are just as violent.

Just like any cult throughout history recruits and indoctrinates, the rainbow sex-cult does the same through TikTok and YouTube.

We must thoroughly reject this sex-cult and its efforts to recruit and brainwash new adherents. God established righteous sexuality and everything else is sin. Those who observe the rainbow sex-cult’s religious practices are deceived like any other cult-follower. Pray for those trapped in bondage and stand strong against the schemes of the enemy

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