The Beginning | Just Been Revoked | Animated Series

1 year ago

The Beginning | Just Been Revoked | Animated Series

Experience Episode 1 of the Just Been Revoked Animated Series, where the ruler of the revoked, Tom Legaci, brings two extraordinary beings to life, Chris G and Mr. Rhace, fulfilling his captivating world of entertainment and movies. However, on the 8th day of their creation, Mr. Rhace's weapon takes on a mind of its own, harboring plans to shatter the realm of the revoked. Is this a mere dream or a startling reality? Could he be trapped within The Matrix

Dive into a world of uncertainty and unravel the secrets that blur the line between imagination and truth. Subscribe now for more exhilarating episodes of Just Been Revoked and join us as we journey through the extraordinary!

#JustBeenRevoked #AnimatedSeries #TheBeginning #TomLegaci #Entertainment #Movies #RealityVsFantasy #thematrix

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