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Is Canada Ignoring an Islamic Protest to Gender Ideology Due to Fears of Violent Retribution

1 year ago

Muslim parents in England have already exerted their influence by successfully protesting and pressuring schools to modify their LGBTQ curriculum, highlighting Westerners’ fear of angering them.

Please read the important details and related materials at: https://rairfoundation.com/is-canada-ignoring-an-islamic-protest-to-gender-ideology-due-to-fears-of-violent-retribution-video/


  • 0/2000
  • Not a single counter demonstration from The Gay Mafia Brigade... Weird that huh?>

  • The answer to your question may be yes, but that begs the question: Why do they fear violence from Muslims, but not ANTIFA? They welcome some violence, I suppose, if it is directed at decent people. These leftist institutions/governments don't need to be consistant.

  • The man that coined the phrase.. Leave them kids alone... Was Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.. a rabid anti Semite.. Ironic aint it.. The hypocrisy Of The Left is truly astounding as they would be out there in gangs if that was a Christian group but their silence is deafening to my ears when its actual muslims demanding their children are not taught porn and sexual perversions in their local Schools. There has never been a stranger alliance that those Of The Left and those who follow a Fascist Religious Cult like islam. They are in opposition in EVERY way. One day The Left/LGBTQ will wake up once they get thrown off the Rooftops.

  • WERE NOT THE MUSLIMS SCREAMING DIVERSITY AND WE ARE ALL HUMANS. ??? they wanted to come when the west when it was christian and now that it is a free for all they dont like it. hmmmm. they pushed diversity. hypocrites. under christianity this would not happen and penalties were very hard, heck we even had death penalty for anyone who even touched a child or woman. under christianity there was no lgbtq no proversion and so on. well i guess that backfired. so who should they blame now. the "pedifile pope" aka the roman empire aka vatican "2". perhaps they should under REAL CHRISTIANITY not roman catholic rules it was much stricter and NORMAL.

  • Cognitive dissonance is why it's being ignored. The left are pretty good at it.

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