What $34M Voice Referendum? Oopsie! Somebody forgot to tell the Aboriginal communities

1 year ago

This video about Aboriginals being unaware of the $34M Voice Referendum campaign is self explanatory.

If the complicit corporate media was doing its job, I wouldn’t have to post these UNREPORTED FACTS stated in this 8 minute Voice video.

For Australians that 'still don't get it' about the illegal Agenda 30 Voice Referendum, especially if they have a mortgage or own a property, they risk losing everything and will be forcibly herded into the WEF/UN’s ’15 minute gulags’ disguised as ’15 minute smart cities’ – no different to the Jewish ghettos.

Australia has been dumbed down for decades by these greedy bastards in preparation for this attempted mass land theft and they are also hoodwinking indigenous Australians into thinking that it’s all about them and their welfare.

Transcript from Hijacked video:

The Marxist Albanese Corporate Government’s next move is to facilitate the transfer of land rights to the United Nations via the mechanism of the Voice Referendum.

We will no longer have control of our land if the referendum vote is Yes. Under the Australian constitution (1901) the people are the only ones to initiate a referendum. Do you really think this referendum was initiated by the people or politically driven and therefore illegal?

Albanese is selling the Voice under the guise of looking after the First Nations people. He has made around $31 Million available to run a Yes campaign despite violating the Referendum Law. The government is already spending $4.5 Billion a year of your money to run the National Indigenous Australians Agency, employing around 1300 people to report the needs and requirements of indigenous people to Cabinet. Don’t you think that is enough to make the voice of the First Nations people heard?

The Albanese government is also not talking about proposed changes to the WHO International Health Regulations that will otherwise grant powers to the WHO to dictate how Australia would manage any declared emergency (pandemic) or otherwise in this country. The WHO will have power to impose mandated vaccinations, mandated treatments and mandated lockdowns with the Australian Government Corporation legally bound to comply.


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