(2of6) Controlled Elections, Media Manipulation & Judicial Corruption- (Jeff Rense interviews Gurudas November 3rd 1996)

1 year ago

2nd of 6 Interviews. Jeff Rense interviews Gurudas (AKA Ronald Lee Garman) on November 3rd 1996. Ron (1945-2001) was found dead on January 11th, 2001, shortly after he finished the follow-up to ‘Treason, The New World Order’. His murderers wanted to make believe that he committed suicide. Ron’s computer was gone when he was found dead, but it suddenly reappeared again a week after the murder, without his new book according to site below.

@15:08 Gurudas bring up Aaron Russo and his political campaign for Mayor of Las Vegas in the 1990's called "MAD AS HELL". It was during this political campaign of Aaron Russo (Who produced the 1983 movie with Eddie Murphy called "TRADING PLACES") that Nicholas Rockefeller would take notice of him (THEY recruit the MOVERS & SHAKERS of society to work for THEM) asked for a meeting where they became friends for a couple years (1998-2000) and Aaron said that Nicholas was the smartest guy he ever met and he told Aaron that the Rockefeller family invented "WOMENS LIBERATION" back in the early 1970s so they could get BOTH parents into the work force and get more tax money$ and get the state to look after the children and he also told Aaron (Year 2000) that very soon there will be a terrorist attack in the USA and that will start the "WAR ON TERROR" where they don't have to define an ENEMY so it goes on and on and never ends and he joked that they would be looking for the terrorists in caves in Afghanistan etc... After a couple years they parted ways as Aaron realized that this Nicholas Rockefeller only thought about himself and his family and didn't care about other people and realized they were just different people. Aaron Russo went on to make the documentary "FREEDOM TO FASCISM" and also sat down with Alex Jones at Infowars to tell his story and how after 9/11 happened he remember the conversations he had with Nicholas Rockefeller and everything he told him a year earlier happened just as he said and when Aaron asked him what all this is all about, Nicholas Rockefeller told him about microchipping the population and that the elites would have SPECIAL PRIVILEGES to do whatever they wanted to. Aaron Russo died of cancer in 2007.
Aaron Russo's MAD AS HELL political campaign (1996)
Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (2006) about what Nicholas Rockefeller told him
(2006) FREEDOM TO FASCISM- Aaron Russo documentary

@18:14 Gurudas talks about a reporter who after the Oklahoma city bombing in 1995 went to a Tulsa Oklahoma strip club and got the video that shows a stripper/Waitress in the back room telling another woman that there is a guy out there saying he is going to be very famous in 10 days (April 19, 1995) which is very powerful evidence that Timothy McVeigh & John Doe#2 Andreas Strassmeir (German/MOSSAD intelligence) were in the club together. That video of the woman saying that is all in this 7-minute video below including where a UK journalist goes to interview Andreas Strassmeir as he denies everything but when the reporter brings up the waitress that prophetically says on April 9th that "n 10 days this guy said "I am going to be FAMOUS" and Andreas Strassmeir says "I heard that that stripper committed suicide" and he would know as they kill any innocent witness that contradicts the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT STORY. Gurudas says one of the girls supposedly died of natural causes right after this video was discovered but Andreas says it was a SUICIDE. The Media refused to show this video or other information that would effect the government narrative (Lone bomber). Kind of like the MAINSTREAM MEDIA omitting the WTC#7 collapsing by itself 8 hours later once the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT STORY was released.
Was ANDREAS STRASSMEIR John Doe#2 in the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19th 1995? (7-minute video)

Ronald Lee Garman (Gurudas), author of ‘Treason, The New World Order’, in ‘The End of the Line’, with Jeff Rense, on October 20th, 1996. Ron (1945-2001) was found dead on January 11th, 2001, shortly after he finished the follow-up to ‘Treason, The New World Order’. His murderers wanted to make believe that he committed suicide. Ron’s computer was gone when he was found dead, but it suddenly reappeared again a week after the murder, without his new book…
A memorial service was held in his honor on January 23rd at Keaton Redwood Chapel of Marin in Novato, California.

"Treason: The New World Order" by Gurudas (Author)
Comprehensive analysis of Patriot movement and New World Order. A reference work with 833 footnotes. Warnings from many authorities about a corporate police state. Hundreds of influential people call for a one world government, end of U.S. sovereignty, end of the U.S. Constitution, transference of the U.S. military to the UN, and a global police force. The UN is to become the center of a world government. The destruction of nationalism, patriotism, property rights, and the family unit is promoted. All nations must ultimately join a world government and those who resist will be attacked. The media never discusses this. Topics reviewed: corporate dominance, the secret government, state sovereignty vs. federal control, out of control intelligence community, Oklahoma bombing and cover-up, left and right working together, hidden U.S. history, role of the militias in U.S. history, past martial law in the U.S., murder as a political weapon, GATT and NAFTA, radiation/biological experiments on people, and a corporate plot for a dictatorship in the 1930s which Congress confirmed.

Source of video from TheRapeOfJustice-DeletedYouTubeVideos on Bitchute

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