This makes 0 sense

1 year ago

If you’re not paying attention to what’s happening, you’re living under a rock
I believe the solution to fix all of this is that we need God
This once powerful and respected country is going to crumble unless we get back to the center of love.
A new president won’t fix this. Trump won’t fix this. Better policies won’t fix this. Everyone holding hands won’t fix this. Only God can
To be honest, I blame Christianity for allowing this to happen. I grew up very conservative. I remember my pastor warning us, that if we allow people to carry out their immoral living to be blessed judicially by our court systems, it will be the crack in the arbor to further allow all sorts of other unimaginable evils.
The armor of this great country, and our world is almost completely destroyed
My fight isn’t to change anyone. My fight is to introduce people to the ONE who can.
I’m thankful for anyone standing up for traditional values and principles, but I’m afraid that just won’t be enough.
The Bible is very clear of what’s to come if we continue down this path. Not all of it is doom and gloom. But judgement day is coming
Mark my words that they will come after Christians very soon. The narrative is being spun that it’s Christians, or anyone who has traditional values that come from a Judeo Christian lifestyle, who are holding back people from their full liberation.
And that’s how the devil’s evil lies and webs are spun
One area where we went wrong in with this country is people have taken the meaning of freedom as an allowance for them to do whatever they please. This couldn’t be further from the truth of why this country was founded. It was freedom from tyranny, so there could be freedom to worship God . Our history is being erased. Not just in America, but around the world.
There is an agenda coming from the world, economic forum and many other corrupt and powerful people sitting in dark places.
God is our only salvation!
Seek Him while He can be found
#protectourchildren #transgender #transgenderpride #christianvalues #traditionalvalues #feargod #godislove #godisalive #childrenareinnocent #heterosexual #bemoral

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