Woman bangs on coffin to be let out during funeral

1 year ago

An Ecuadorian woman was pronounced dead after suffering a suspected heart attack and stroke. The woman disagreed.

Bella Montoya, a 76-year-old retired nurse, was declared dead after attempts to resuscitate her had failed. Montoya was taken to the funeral home almost immediately, yet only five hours into the wake, she decided to gatecrash her own party. Montoya’s family heard banging coming from the coffin, and found that she was alive, and breathing. The woman was taken to a nearby hospital where her condition was upgraded to ‘alive.’ Sadly, this return to life is not expected to last too long, with doctors giving the family a poor prognosis for survival.

The Ministry of Health is now forming a committee with other government agencies (at the taxpayer’s expense, of course) to find out how a team of medical professionals and funeral home workers were not able to distinguish between the living and the dead.


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