BEYOND THE DISTORTIONS OF THE RAINBOW Part 2 "Results of the Extremes"

1 year ago

We are entering into the results of humanity going to the extremes of either judging or condoning and the twisting of symbols once established by God in His expression of His eternal desire for His Offspring. A MYSTERY once hidden, then revealed, and now once again being rejected, being replaced by the creation of fallen minds, souls going rogue, being taught doctrines of men, influence by unseen forces, called principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, coming from spiritual wickedness in high places.
Warnings have been given in Hope that humanity might heed the warnings and allow the Father of their spirits to awaken them to their deliverance from these forces now coming from what was once considered unseen, now being made known, with the mask of evil being removed as never before.
We are seeing and feeling the effects of these forces, and the complexity of it all, having no seeable way to stop the insanity and lawlessness in our societies.
Be prepared for some shocking insights that cross over to realms that many fear to investigate, that reveal the RESULTS many do not want to hear or see.

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