June 13th 2023 Doctors of Common-Sense E104

1 year ago

On this week's D.O.C.S. George Landrith, President of Frontiers of Freedom Policy Institute, sits in for Dr Larry Fedewa. George is an attorney and has taught Constitutional Law.

Dr Joe and Dr George (Juris Doctor) look at the Trump indictment, Biden's $5 million X2 bribe. The bias Media, Governments influence on Social Media and the current Attorney's General suit on Freedom of Speech.

Feeling a little confused lately? Wondering who is telling the truth and what the big picture looks like?

Maybe the two doctors of common sense can help you get a better grip on the state of our country.

Dr. Joe and Dr. Larry don’t have all the answers, but they have been around the block a few times and have their feet on the ground -- enough to figure who’s on first and where second base is.

Pretty funny sometimes too!

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